Bigman Clarence Clemons
Over the years, I have had the immense pleasure of being able to get up close and personal with my camera, photographing Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band. In particular, it was especially unique fun to be in the presence of "Big Man" Clarence Clemons and a presence he was. BIG in stature, BIG in sound, BIG in personality, Clarence rocked the lens of my camera time and again, leaving me with indelible memories and images.
In recent years, I've been honored to have my photographs appear in Rolling Stone magazine in Memoriam of Clarence and during a fundraiser
commemorating his life and generous work to help underprivileged children an organization named Homesafe that was near and dear to him. Now, the State of New Jersey, my native state and where I shot so many of those early concerts, and all of his fans will remember Clarence on his birthday this year, and Hopefully it will be official by next January 2014 by naming every January 11th after, in honor of the Big Man.
So, to personally honor this day and to remember this iconic musician who belongs not only to the Jersey Shore but to the world, I offer these rare images made available for the first time just over a year ago of Clarence,
The Minister of Soul, The Secretary of the Brotherhood, The One, The Only,
Clarence "Big Man" Clemons.
All photograpy © James Shive